Friday, September 30, 2011

Don't Hurt
I'm feeling a little distant from myself these past few months, and the only person I don't understand is me at the I guess I'm going through a normal phase in life right? but at these times I wonder if I'm convincing myself..I feel tackled and tired..confused and sick, happy yet upset. My issues don't revolve around others, though I take it like it evolves through my time and energy, which makes me feel like I'm not using my time productively. I have friends I can speak these thoughts to but I need to set this straight with myself and go ahead and write it down so I can think things through. I feel this sense of guilt when I don't take over and let my dreams devour and destruct over me, I feel confused when I just let it be and think over to myself I just wanna go through something that'll effect me in a negative way just so I can write something crazy and feel that feeling like I've accomplished something, but things don't always go your almost never get what you want. I'm not suicidal..just thought I'd make that clear...I chose this background on my blog because it said something to me...everybody goes through those times when their head is over filled they just wanna explode, well this picture connected to me because sometimes I wanna explode but I do it in a beautiful way by setting it in poetry..and that's what the butterflies would stand for. I don't deny suicidal thoughts and I don't encourage it, but people are killing themselves. I understand depression, I understand emotional difficulties and issues within yourself..I understand lonelyness and feeling worthless, I hope I can change somebodys life reading this right now or even help somebody who might be going through this, because we all do but we just don't admit to it we might have even tempted suicide. Depression is hard to deal with, and if you don't cure it early it'll get worse and worse, and this is a post speaking of my own experience.. sometimes you can't control depression and sadness just takes on to you for no reason at all..and if I'm saying this then you know that your not the only one who goes through this. Even when it comes down to a time when you feel like you have nothing going well for you at home, school, love, friends, work..well you have to think nothing is perfect and you have to gain that strength to have things your way..that knowledge and happiness within yourself. There are people out there who will understand, I found my own way that helps me at these times and it's writing, and trust me it's helped a lot. Beauty, Love, Money, Sex, etc..won't help you at all..Express your feelings, and you'll save a life everyday..and that'll be your own.



  1. Hey... I was reading ur poems and I thoughtt to my self that u could help me. I'm a guy and I love a girl so much, we were once togather but the relationship didn't last for too long and that broke me down I didn't know wat to do I was like who lost their fav thing in life the thing that brights me day and always draws a simle on my face . I couldn't do anything to get her back cuz I was afraid to lose her forever and that might kill me. However thing have became better were talking now to eachother but just like 2 people just recentlly met I can't tell her that I love her I can't take her in my arams when I see her cuz I don't wanna lose her again ..... Idk I just thought u could help me :)

  2. Hey..I'm not in the relationship to make judgements but I can set you with a few options. Sometimes you have to let go of the person you love because you can't follow them forever, you have to sacrafice your happieness at a certain point in life. Another thing would be..maybe your not happy with yourself that could be the reason why you fell so hard for this girl, you could think it's love but its simpley pain when your with her nomatter how much she could or you two could be happy with eachother..maybe give yourself some time and space and dont think about forgetting her..think about it and cope with the memories until your used to being on your own..then once that's going for you..compliment yourself and reward yourself in a healthy way...not by drinking..finding other girls to lean on..spend time with yourself and love You, so it will be hard to give yourself up for somebody else kinda like being in a relationship...that's if you wanna get over her..for now let the friendship be and don't show her your still inlove with her because that is the biggest thing that'll push her away and cause you to lose her..dont look at her any different then you do to others and make her feel like she has you as a friend and she could turn to you here for her and let her know it's because you care for her as a friend and blind the point and make her forget you were ever together and she'll fall inlove with you again.. but she has to be that special and worth the amount of time this will take..
    Thank you for asking me I'm glad I could help you!.


  3. Thank you very much... I tried every single way to get over her but couldn't even stop thinking about her .. Ill take ur advice just to continue with her as a best friend and be there for her ... But she knows that I love her

  4. Do what you gotta do and what you feel is best for you and her

